When people go to a simcha today, it’s usually about the superficial. What kind of food they will have? Who designed the decor? What kind of band will there be? The true accomplishment and cause of visiting a friend or family member making a simcha is to “vinch”. It’s that simple.
Just to wish them a hartzige Mazel Tov.
In this new single “בני חיי ומזוני” from powerhouse vocalist, Levy Falkowitz, renowned for his vocal prowess, Levy reminds us of this important life lesson from a very unique angle.
This fun new Yiddish single was composed by the talented Hershy Rotenberg. Not only does the composer Hershy join Levy in the song, but the two are also backed up by the talented voices of Israel’s Malchus choir. The voices of the duo really complement each other and take the song to the next level. This song was recorded and arranged with a “live band” feel by Achiya Kohen.
This fun video is sure to help you appreciate the Baalei Simcha and make sure in the future when you attend a simcha to wish them Mazel tov.
With Purim just around the corner it was the perfect time to release this song, which talks all about simcha. After all, Mishenichnas Adar, Marbim BESIMCHA. May we all continue to celebrate real Simcha till the coming of Moshiach.
Bimheira Beyameinu.
Production: Shmuel Pe’erComposed: Hershy Rottenberg
Performed by: Levy Falkowitz & Hershy Rotenberg
Video Production credits:
Producer: Micheal Tzee
Directed & Edited: Hershy Segal
Videographer: Yossi shelest
Scripted: Pinchas Bichler
Location: Binyamina winery
Music credits:
Musical arrangements: Achiya Cohen
Technical assistant: Reuven Yihye
Mix and mastering: Bentzion Chàim Hadad
Drums: Gil Ladin
Guitar: Adam Tal
Double Bass: Yair Ofir
Sax&tenor solo : Dor Assaraf
Trombone: Moran Ron Baron
Trumpet: Avior Rokach
Recording Technician: Nati Blankett
Recorded at The Yellow Submarine Studio - Jerusalem