The Malchus Choir Presents: "Mona's Openings!" 21 Iconic Musical Openings For Sefira!
21 openings in 7 minutes! In place of the strings and brass, the drums and cymbals, the horns and trumpets, the string instruments and sound boxes, come the tenor and baritone voices of the Malchus Choir members. During the Sefira period, when listening to musical instruments is prohibited due to mourning the death of Rabbi Akiva's students, they decided to perform the musical parts themselves!
From a collection of over 100 musical openings from the vast repertoire of the great Jewish arranger Mona Rosenblum, 21 of the best were selected to form an energetic and unique vocal track, conceived and vocally arranged by Pinchas Bichler.
In this medley, you'll find openings from all eras and styles, from the albums of Mordechai Ben David and Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer and Yaakov Shwekey, to the albums of the Belz community, Amit Listwand, and Dedi Graucher, including selected pieces from Siyum HaShas celebrations over the generations.
This time, the Malchus Choir was hosted by the Achi Center in Bnei Brak, where the members gathered and performed the medley alongside the silent musical instruments, under the auspices of Olam HaMuzika, the largest Charedi music and amplification network.
The project was managed by CEO Avraimi Goldstein. The recordings took place at M.W. Studios with Michael Weinberger, with Chaim Gottesman on the mix. Direction, editing, and coloring were handled by Hershey Segal, with animation by Schneur Eisenbach, and photography by the legendary royal photographer, Nati Albar. Special thanks to the young and talented arranger Yonatan Bloy for his contribution to the production and editing.