Ohad Moskowitz & Capela Choir with a New Single: Elokay Neshama

Few people have the merit to continue influencing and spreading light in the world after their passing. One of them was Yehuda Bachar HY"D, who was murdered in Nova, yet his inspirational and faith-filled videos continue to strengthen tens of thousands to this day. One of his most famous videos is the touching recording in which Yehuda sings the song "Elokai Neshamah" with a voice full of yearning and longing for Hashem.

About six months after his death, Ohad Moskowitz and the Kapelle Choir are releasing this special and moving song in a vocal performance fitting for the days of the Omer counting. The vocal arrangement was done by the vocal arranger Noti Rotman, and the production was handled by David Fadida.


אלוקי נשמה שנתת בי טהורה היא
אתה בראת אתה יצרת אתה נפחת בי
ואתה משמרה בקירבי ואתה עתיד ליטלה ממני
ולהחזירה בי לעתיד לבוא
כל זמן שהנשמה בקרבי מודה אני לפניך
ה' אלוקי ואלוקי אבותי
ריבון כל המעשים אדון כל הנשמות

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