Chaim Shlomo Mayesz with a new Video: Boi Beshalom



בואי בשלום עטרת בעלה גם ברינה ובצהלה תוך אמוני עם סגולה בואי כלה.


Lyrics: From traditional sources
Melody: Foreign origin
Vocals and harmonies: Chaim Shlomo Mayes
Arrangement and musical production: Itzik Berger
Vocal production and recordings: David Taub, Shloimy Bukspan
Mix and mastering: Adi Perez
Direction, filming, and editing: Yinon Shuvli - 055-6878156
Aerial photography: David Chai Zafrani | Shuvli Photographers
Cover design: GRAPHIC - NADAV
Special thanks: Dudi Fried for the support and assistance in production. Kobi Chen for the creative ideas.
Production: Shlomi Cohen HOSHEN Media Group

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